Monday, March 2, 2009

Someone put the cherry on the cake of my day...and slammed it in my face!!!!

Dear Therapist has said she wanted me to sign a release so she can talk to my DBT counselor. After all of the 'miscommunication' or 'non communication' between DT and I - I told her that I wasn't comfortable with that, and agreed to discuss it with DBTC and get back with DT next week. DT promised me that she would never mention me directly, or share anything I said in session about DBT to DBTC
So there was only 1 other person who stayed behind after class was over - So I told DBTC that my DT wanted to talk to her, just to find out her "approach" and "structure" in her classes. And DT said this is "common practice" clinically. DBTC said it's my decision, and she would prefer I talk to DT about DBT. I told DBTC that DT was NOT a DBTC, but that she has been in "training" about DBT....and then my group member gave me a strange look - and guess what?
She and I have the same DT. Small world, huh?

Group member then told me that DT had mentioned she had another "client" in this particular class (which, I should mention is actually in a DIFFERENT town!) - and that she thought it was me.

Now, I'm not angry @ Group Member - I like her, but I am angry at DT for lying to me, again! If she only wanted to talk to DBTC about "approach and structure" - um...she could, because Group Member did sign a consent. Obviously, she wanted to talk about ME.

I feel like she lied to again - GD! Am I being too sensitive????????
I feel like I need a T to deal with the BS from DT!
And I'm all tapped out on financial resources!

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